2 Chalguna, 933

The city has begun moving. They will not explain how they move through the sky, and they will not tell us where they will take us. There is a particular kind of fear when you know nothing about your circumstances because another is keeping secrets from you.

The halasan knows what this is. I can feel the truth, despite his attempts to hide it. I only wish I knew why he has experience with these creatures.

30 Asetash, 933

The halasan has asked me about my husband. The answer is complicated. I have many things to think about. I wish to go back, but I also wish to remain hear and represent my people.

I am learning to serve as an ambassador for my people. I still cannot speak to the sky-people. Soon.

25 Asetash, 933

Armed with my diary and a pencil, I walked the length of the merchants’ district. The products were foreign, but the process was familiar. They seemed to struggle to understand what I was doing. Several felt threatened until my guide soothed them.

My skills might be useful here. If I could sell my work as if it were a product, then they would see the value in writing. Although I am no priest-scholar, I have practiced enough to do that.

24 Asetash, 933

There is a large home containing many smaller homes. They have given one of the smaller homes it to us. Their urushan surprised me. We cannot speak their language, and we have so many differences.

These creatures have no eyes on their face. I do not know how they move around. They never turn their heads. They titter loudly at each other while rubbing large swords together. I have never seen so many carrying swords, and for no purpose. They must be for their gods.

23 Asetash, 933

When we arrived in the city, we were expecting defenses. There were no guards or soldiers that met us, only diplomats. They spoke to us eagerly in their language, which we did not understand. They are not like us. They are not people, yet they seem very kind.

They were curious about us, but we could offer no answers. My halasan and I agreed that we will stay here until we can learn more.